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Geriatric Care Management for Adults with Schizophrenia

Drawing on our firsthand experience with the effects of mental health issues on a family, we focus our efforts on maximizing every support resource available.

Our first step toward achieving and Living Life With Dignity is recognizing what role mental health plays in a client’s life.

During an initial assessment with a client, the family and doctors, we learn which issues have been resolved and where struggles continue to occur. Following that meeting, an assessment is developed based on the results of that collaboration. We provide an assessment document highlighting recommendations for a life/care plan, as well as an affordable fee structure.

A life/care plan is then developed through additional, very specific client interviews and outreach to our network of community resources. Our associates work hand-in-hand with clients, their families and/or caregivers to make sure the plan works in everyday situations.

Case Study

This case study involves a 62-year-old female diagnosed with Schizophrenia. At the time, Alice* was living in a nursing home with outside advocacy. Alice’s father was appointed as her guardian after her mother’s death; however, health issues prevented him from assisting in her care.

Alice believes that her mother is still alive and that her family has faked her mother’s death. She was oppositional at first but is now compliant, although still delusional after a year of treatment. She suffers from mild paranoia and does not maintain activities of daily living unless prompted.

She was in a secure environment; however, her Attorney was concerned that she was not getting proper care. She needed clothes, toiletries and reading materials, and her father needed to be removed as guardian due to his competency issues.

  • Living Life with Dignity stepped in and provided the following services:

  • We were appointed as Alice’s Guardian;

  • We attended to all of her care plans;

  • We advocated for her legal rights;

  • We accessed her current mental health status to acquire a more appropriate living environment and facilitated her change in residence;

  • We secured outside professionals for additional evaluations; and

  • We visited regularly to ensure proper care and to provide companionship.

*Not her real name.

Do you have any questions about support and advocacy for adults suffering from schizophrenia? Post a comment below!

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